New Principals gathered in Topeka today for the New Principals Workshop hosted by USA-KS & KPA. They heard from experienced administrators & covered many topics, including knowing your "why", special education, building trust, difficult situations and more. #edleadershipmatters
about 1 month ago, Jessi Clark
New Principals Workshops
New Principals Workshops
Today, we are hosting our New Principal's Workshop in @USD265_Goddard with a full house of new administrators eager to lead for excellence and world class student success. This partnership with @USAKansas allows even more leaders the chance to network and build relationships!
about 2 months ago, Sarah Perryman
New Principals Goddard
New Principals Goddard
We are proud of @SMSouthDain for presenting today at #UNITED. Dr. Dain captivated a packed house this morning with his message #Culturewins! #edleadershipmatters and we love to see Kansas leaders sharing nationally!
about 2 months ago, Sarah Perryman
Todd at United
This morning at the #UNITED conference, we heard from Rehema Ellis, from NBC News. She spoke on "Educators as First Responders". It's a privilege to be here in Nashville learning with these experienced leaders! #edleadershipmatters
about 2 months ago, Sarah Perryman
Keynote Day 2
USA-KS & KPA are teaming up to support new principals! The New Principals Workshop Series is a great way to set new principals up for success by offering support & connection through the 1st yr and beyond. Sessions are starting soon, register today!
about 2 months ago, Jessi Clark
New Principals Workshops
We are thrilled to be at the #UNITED conference in Nashville with our Kansas leaders @SMSouthDain and @JohnBefort who both serve on their respective boards with @NASSP and @NAESP! Looking forward to a great conference! #edleadershipmatters
about 2 months ago, Sarah Perryman
United Conference
USA-KS & KPA are committed to supporting new principals. We recognize the importance of connecting with and supporting new principals as they start their new role, through their first year, and beyond through our New Principals Workshop Series.
2 months ago, Jessi Clark
New Principals Workshops
Celebrating our New Principals in Kansas this evening! Women leading Kansas schools! #KPAFemaleLeaders
3 months ago, Cara Ledy
The KPA Board is meeting this afternoon in Wichita in advance of the #USAKS24 Uniting Leaders Conference! Thank you to @USAKansas for hosting this wonderful event for education leaders in Kansas. #edleadershipmatters
3 months ago, Sarah Perryman
USAKS 2024 KPA Meeting
We want to take a moment to recognize the phenomenal Principals we have here in Kansas! Thank you for the work you do each day demonstrating world class leadership resulting in world class student success. You truly are difference-makers! #SchoolPrincipalsDay #edleadershipmatters
4 months ago, Sarah Perryman
National Principal's Day
A big thank you to our friends at Hutton Construction Company for loaning us a space today at their headquarters in Wichita so that our KPA committee could have a work day! It was a beautiful conference room, and our committee loved reviewing Principal of the Year Nominations!!
7 months ago, Sarah Perryman
Hutton thank you
The best part of the New Principal Workshop is the Principal Panel in the afternoon. During the panel, new principals get to hear from their veteran peers about the important role they play in the success of each student. Big thanks to our panel participants! #edleadershipmatters
8 months ago, Sarah Perryman
Principal panel
We are supporting new principals today with a full day of reflection, exploration, and networking. This morning, new principals are diving into trauma responsive care and reflecting on their current state with peers. #edleadershipmatters
8 months ago, Sarah Perryman
KPA new principals workshop in Goddard
New Principals
The New Principal Group in Topeka is spending their day reflecting on highs and lows, discussing trauma responsive care, hearing from other practicing principals, and working on action plans. #edleadershipmatters
8 months ago, Jessi Clark
New Principals Workshop
Participants in the KPA New Principal program are meeting today in Topeka. This group meets twice in person (once in the fall semester and once in the spring semester), and monthly with Zoom check-ins for yearlong support. They started off their day reconnecting!
8 months ago, Jessi Clark
KPA New Principal Workshop
The Zone 8 Director for NAESP is our Kansas Principal, John Befort. He is leading our seven states this weekend in learning and collaborating! #KansasProud @USAKansas @naesp @JohnBefort @USD388
10 months ago, Cara Ledy
The Zone 8 Director for NAESP is our Kansas Principal, John Befort. He is leading our seven states this weekend in learning and collaborating! #KansasProud @USAKansas @naesp @JohnBefort @USD388
10 months ago, Cara Ledy
KPA Conference 2023 is coming to a close and what better way to end than with an energizing message from Jimmy Casas! We want to thank Speak Life. End Bullying for their sponsorship of this wonderful keynote. Thank you Jimmy Casas and Speak Life for your inspiration!
10 months ago, Sarah Perryman
Jimmy Casas
speak life sponsor
Day 2 of the Kansas Principal's Conference has been full of collaboration, learning about AI, and discussions regarding legal issues in education. This conference would not be possible without the support and investment of our umbrella organization, USA Kansas. Thank you!
10 months ago, Sarah Perryman
day 2
day 2
It was an honor to recognize the winners and nominees for Kansas Principal of the Year last night. Congratulations to Dr. Todd Dain, Angie Krause, and Chad Nulik on their awards and big praise to all our wonderful nominees! Thank you, Principals for your outstanding work!
10 months ago, Sarah Perryman
high school
middle school