Last night we honored our 2024 Kansas Principal of the Year area and statewide winners. Congratulations to all of our winners and thank you for your hard work and dedication to the students of Kansas! #KPC24 #edleadershipmatters
Our Kansas Principals Conference attendees are spending their afternoon in breakout sessions. #KPC24 #edleadershipmatters
Thank you to our wonderful educational vendors for coming out today and sharing their products and expertise with our Kansas Principals Conference attendees! #KPC24 #edleadershipmatters
Our opening keynote, Weston Kieschnick, got us motivated this morning with his message of Going Forth and Being Bold! #KPC24 #edleadershipmatters
We are excited to kick off the 2024 Kansas Principals Conference with our Pre-Conference sessions here in Wichita! #KPC24 #edleadershipmatters
As we close out #NationalPrincipalsMonth, we want to thank the amazing team of #KSPrincipals who make the work of KPA possible! Thank you to our leaders who serve on the KPA Board for your service to the profession. #edleadershipmatters #ThankAPrincipal
There is still time for you to sign up for the Kansas Principals Conference November 6-7 in Wichita, KS. The conference this year will feature two keynote speakers: Weston Kieschnick and Jim Wichman. Register at #KSPrincipals
We are thrilled to announce the Elementary Assistant Principal of the Year: Jessica Koch (USD 115 @NemahaCentral) & Secondary Assistant Principal of the Year: Kelly Hoopes (USD 464 @TongieNation). These awards were announced yesterday and today respectively. Congratulations!
The 2024 Secretary Workshop has been filled with learning and celebration as we recognize longtime leader and Director of the former KASSP/KAESP, Gene Haydock! Thank you for your leadership, Gene, in launching the Secretary Workshop and all you have done for KS Principals.
It's a great day in Wichita as we host the 2024 Secretary Workshop! With over 100 school secretaries in the room, we are taking time to learn, celebrate, and network. Let's not forget to #ThankAPrincipal who helped make this learning opportunity a reality for these folks today!
Happy #NationalPrincipalsMonth to all of our @KSPrincipals! This month, we will be hosting a podcast, "A Principal's Perspective", where school leaders will discuss professional areas of passion. Follow us all month long and don't forget to #ThankAPrincipal. #edleadershipmatters
The KPA Board is meeting this afternoon in Topeka. They kicked off their meeting with a little fun reconnecting, then got down to business working hard on behalf of building leaders in Kansas. #edleadershipmatters #strongertogetherforkansasschools
New Principals gathered in Topeka today for the New Principals Workshop hosted by USA-KS & KPA. They heard from experienced administrators & covered many topics, including knowing your "why", special education, building trust, difficult situations and more. #edleadershipmatters
Today, we are hosting our New Principal's Workshop in @USD265_Goddard with a full house of new administrators eager to lead for excellence and world class student success. This partnership with @USAKansas allows even more leaders the chance to network and build relationships!
We are proud of @SMSouthDain for presenting today at #UNITED. Dr. Dain captivated a packed house this morning with his message #Culturewins! #edleadershipmatters and we love to see Kansas leaders sharing nationally!
This morning at the #UNITED conference, we heard from Rehema Ellis, from NBC News. She spoke on "Educators as First Responders". It's a privilege to be here in Nashville learning with these experienced leaders! #edleadershipmatters
USA-KS & KPA are teaming up to support new principals! The New Principals Workshop Series is a great way to set new principals up for success by offering support & connection through the 1st yr and beyond. Sessions are starting soon, register today!
We are thrilled to be at the #UNITED conference in Nashville with our Kansas leaders @SMSouthDain and @JohnBefort who both serve on their respective boards with @NASSP and @NAESP! Looking forward to a great conference! #edleadershipmatters
USA-KS & KPA are committed to supporting new principals. We recognize the importance of connecting with and supporting new principals as they start their new role, through their first year, and beyond through our New Principals Workshop Series.
Celebrating our New Principals in Kansas this evening! Women leading Kansas schools! #KPAFemaleLeaders